Monday 9 August 2010

Summer, sunshine and shoulder pain

Lots of physio and not much swimming since the last entry. Swam Saturday morning, raining, windy, rough choppy water; my favourite type! No kidding, I love it but on the day of the swim lets be honest, I want that sea to be flat.nAnyway, I reached my first feed at 8km and was getting quite a lot of pain in my shoulder; told dad but we agreed it was probably the conditions and I just needed to get my head down and swim. So I did another 8km to finish but during the last 2km I could barely lift my left arm and was hardly using it on the pull through. Got out in a lot of pain in the shoulder but numbness in my fingers. Got changed, went home and discovered the pain wasn't going away; went onto the anti-inflammataries on Saturday and barely used my left arm (bit of a pain as I am left handed!) but when dad woke me up on Sunday I knew I couldn't swim. Throughout Sunday I had no strength in my arm and couldn't lift it above shoulder height. Went on a long walk with my mum and tried to ice it as much as possible.

Monday I was going mad, try asking someone who is OCD about exercise to stop; it doesn't work so I went in the gym and went on the static bike; most boring thing in the world but I felt a bit better afterwards. Saw Paul and he worked on the shoulder but told me I shouldn't swim again until the weekend. Saw him again on Thursday after using the bike a few more times and he confirmed the shoulder was loose enough for the weekend. Got in on Saturday and did 7km before getting out with the usual pain. Did the same on Sunday and got a bit frustrated; obviously I can't swim the channel on a bad shoulder but I can't swim it on no training either! Still, I have plenty of time. Gym yesterday and then saw Paul again and he explained I have short tight muscles in my neck and long weak ones in my back as well as shoulder blades that are too wide due to so much freestyle training which is causing the catching in the nerves. Went in the water today after agreeing with Paul it is best at the moment to swim little and often just to keep me in. Did 4km in the rough water and rain, mum got as wet as me just watching! Bit of pain but nothing bad. Have to do lots of exercises and with any luck I will be back on form soon.

Bye for now,

Abby x

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