Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Upping the hours

I had a rather productive day yesterday. Swam in the morning in an uncharacteristically rough Dover Harbour which was great because I'm pretty sure it won't be as flat as a swimming pool beyond the harbour wall. Then went to the pool to shower having planned a half an hour run but saw when I looked in the pool three very fast swimmers one of which is attempting to break the world record for the channel in the next week or so. I wasn't going to miss an opputunity to gawp at how amazing they are so I had a very short fifteen minute run and compromised I would go for another this morning so I could sit and watch them whilst mum was doing aquacise. I think by the end of their session they probably thought I was a badly dressed stalker. (if they even noticed anyone was watching which I doubt) I was talking to mum the other day, and we reckon I should bring out a channel swimmers fashion line: three jumper and sandals wth socks chic I think!

Anyway not to get sidetracked, I went and saw Paul in the afternoon and he was pleased with my shoulder and my shoulder blades because as I have been doing my exercises obsessively (or whenever mum tells me to do them which is at least ten times a day) they are looking in a better position. He did some more work on my neck and shoulders, painful as ever but effective I am sure.

Then in the evening I secured myself a support swimmer in my training partner from the early season. Absolutely thrilled he agreed because I can't think of anyone better to do it; we are practically the same speed (for example finished 3 seconds apart over a 3 mile race) and he has already swam the channel one so it will be good to have someone with that experience on the boat. For anyone who doesn't know a support swimmer goes on the boat and is allowed in the water with you for 1 hour in every 3 or when you are having problems.

Today I am planning on my run and then down to the harbour for a 12 kilometre swim before karate. I called my last blog 'it's all uphill from here' and this is true. Due to my injury I haven't been able to put in as many hours as I would have liked and need to do some long swims (24-28km) to get myself mentally prepared. The last thing we want is for me to be standing on the beach at Dover thinking I am not ready. It's gonna be a long hard and hopefully fun (who am I kidding?) slog for the next month before I start tapering for the big swim. I am really looking forward to it and getting more excited by the day. I'm also looking forward to taking a week or two off afterwards and enjoying my birthday which is technically a few days before my swim but I have postphoned it. I will be thinking of being able to go to bed on a Friday night without having to set my alarm and how great it will be not to dread my favourite lessons at school because my legs are too tired to walk up the stairs without feeling like lead to get to them. There is also the fact that I will be able to see my friends from outside of swimming and make up for being so anti-social over the summer! I am also looking forward to getting out on my bike and for some long runs and pool sessions (Warm water!) a couple of weeks after the swim to work on my triathlon but first I am going to swim the English Channel and smile through the whole thing. Or at least thats the plan...

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